Sunday, November 3, 2013


Yeah, it's a 1.5 hour burly hike... 2 if you go to Lego 2!! But holy holy it is worth it! Sick high Sierra granite with steep, tall, majestic lines! King Lines! Not many areas in Tahoe have so many 3 and even 4 star climbs. Check out this photo/caption blog:

"Ninja Gaiden" V6 **** LINUS MAXIMUS. An epic line that Kyle and I opened. Too cool. Makes "See Spot Run" look like a warmup.

"The Ancient One" V6 *** Would be four star if not for the landing. Even so, a must do if you're crazy enough to slog all the way out to Lego 2. Plenty of FAs to do at Lego 2 still!!! ...and some fill-in lines at Lego 1 as well.

GPS coords. Motherload = Lego 2 (not quite as epic as Lego 1,) Guardian Angel = see below, Legoland proper is at the small "Google Map data" under the zoom...

Lego 2

"Guradian Angel" V8 **** WHOAH... This is an absolute King Line. Top Notch. I rapped this and "Ninja Gaiden" and then Kyle and I did them both back-to-back for the FA. The left arĂȘte also went at about V5, and the crack is an amazing 5.8 HB. Dave Hatchett also put up the sweet right arĂȘte which is about V6 and super sick as well! Amazing Sierra bloc!!!

SO PSYCHED!!! #bloodypaws #tahoelove #tahoealwaysdelivers #climbtillidie #lovethisshit #tryhard

I lost a lot of skin on a line Charlie put up called "Ninja Tap" V9 (V10 sit still undone.)

Charlie and Kyle and I put up an AMAZING **** line called "Amigos" also which ends in a dramatic way!

One of the coolest First Ascents I have ever done: "Crazy Feather" V10****. Wow. Just wow. Check it: Figured this rig with Jon Thompson who was crushing the moves and could have just as easily bagged the line. Chuck B pulled a rabbit out of the hat with a rebate-flash. sick.

"Pure" V9*** As the name suggests: Good starting holds, big move to a small little tiny almost-nothing-there fingernail duel crimper and body-climb around this miserable hold to a sick pistol shouldery pull-through to a rad sloper! Hard! Check it:

One last look at the "Crazy Feather." So many sick lines up there. Harrison's crack, "Indiana Jones" V6, dave Hatchett's four star "Lost in Transition" V7, "Amigos" V9****... Many others.

You should go up there. It's far far away, and you'll likely want a posse. saddle up, gents, Legoland is rad!

Special thanks to Harrison who found, developed and SHARED this amazing find. We need more like ya, Harrison! You are a good man!

Seek perfection of character, respect others & Try Hard. Noah as usual.

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